Planning & Program Design

Creating plans and programs that promote community health.

Institutional foodshed analysis

Developed a novel methodology for institutional foodshed analysis. Explored the method’s utility through the application of the tool at a large hospital in central North Carolina. Collected and analyzed regional supply data and institutional demand data in accordance with the designed methodology.

Following the foodshed analysis, conducted a qualitative assessment of the tool’s feasibility in practice. Recorded process observations related to data collection, data cleaning, and data analysis with respect to time and resource inputs.

Created maps and data visualizations for narrative impact. Identified and discussed implications for research and practice, including next steps to evaluate and improve the proposed methodology. Presented findings to the public via a poster presentation and an informal talk.

Full report available for download here.

Heat map of Bell Pepper Production. Institutional Foodshed Analysis: Exploring the Application and Feasibility of a Novel Methodology at a North Carolina Hospital. Salomon, 2019.

Heat map of Bell Pepper Production. Institutional Foodshed Analysis: Exploring the Application and Feasibility of a Novel Methodology at a North Carolina Hospital. Salomon, 2019.

Appalachian Telemedicine Program

Designed a program to increase primary care access in Graham County, a rural community in western North Carolina. Used PRECEDE-PROCEED to guide programmatic development. Produced conceptual and logic models, budget spreadsheets, delivery timelines and an evaluation plan for the proposed program.

Intervention model. Appalachian Telemedicine Program. Damico, Kameny, Leonard & Salomon, 2018.

Booker Creek Watershed Plan

Produced a watershed management and restoration plan for the Booker Creek Watershed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Conducted field assessments along streams and in wetlands throughout the watershed. Created detailed plan-policy framework that identified objectives, polices, and responsible parties to foster healthy hydrology and cultivate community investment. Aligned all aspects of the plan to the community’s vision for “a watershed that is part of a connected, thriving, and resilient community in which the natural and built environment work in harmony to withstand flooding and promote watershed health.”

Subwatersheds. Booker Creek Watershed Plan. DiCristina, Meeker, Salomon & Vogel, 2018.

Ontario First Comprehensive Plan

Created a comprehensive plan for the city of Ontario, California. Focused plan on place-making and health equity, which will make the city a more enjoyable and desirable place to live. Outlined land use, transportation, economic development and housing policies for the city to implement in order to reach these goals. Final plan designed and published in an approachable and visually appealing format suited to a constituent audience.

Core Values. Ontario First. Salomon, Shaughnessy & Vegh, 2017.

West Main Street Corridor Plan

Studied a street corridor in the town of Carrboro, NC. Examined cyclist and pedestrian use of the corridor and considered accessibility across a range of metrics. Created a series of recommendations to bolster the corridor’s ability to support active transportation, thereby improving community connectedness and resident well-being.

Cover. A Vision for West Main Street. Donovan, Reckhow, Salomon & Wang, 2016.

Cooperative Extension Programming

As a Program Director at Forsyth County Cooperative Extension, designed, taught, and evaluated more than 60 adult education programs between 2013 and 2015. Programming focused on issues related to community organizing, sustainable agriculture, and small-scale urban agriculture. Topic areas ranged from asset based community development to vermiculture.

During first year in this position, developed and launched a comprehensive marketing plan to increase program participation. Through the use of Constant Contact and social media campaigns, successfully increased audience reach by 400% and tripled program attendance rates over the previous year. At the time of delivery, these programs engaged over 800 participants.

Developed process strategies to increase efficacy and efficiency in over 15 program areas and leveraged Google Analytics, GIS, and Excel to define metrics and streamline data collection and analysis. Used strategic planning to understand current conditions and predict programming outcomes. Secured $10,000 in grant funding to support future programming.

Slide from the Community Garden Mentor Training presentation. Salomon, 2015.

April 2015 edition of The Bulletin Board, a monthly e-newsletter. Salomon, 2015.