system thinking & Modeling

Capturing relationships to explain and predict.

Conceptual Modeling

Identifying precursors, determinants, and external factors related to public health outcomes. Depicting the relationships between independent, dependent, modifying, and mediating variables in research studies and intervention programs.

Conceptual model of primary care access. Appalachian Telemedicine Program. Damico, Kameny, Leonard & Salomon, 2018.

System Dynamics

Using computer simulation to aid in policy analysis and design. Considering the role of complex feedback dynamics in social, economic, and environmental problems. Examining how policy interventions affect the behavior and structure of systems.


S-shaped growth structure. Salomon, 2017.


GIS Modeling

Constructing models in ArcGIS to display spatial data.

Wildlife Habitat GIS process. Booker Creek Watershed Plan. DiCristina, Meeker, Salomon & Vogel, 2018.